Victoria, Melbourne
The children who are Tweens and Teenagers are not quite yet adults and have always been a difficult challenge when arranging a party in Melbourne or Victoria. You can't pull the wool over their eyes as you could get away with for the smaller children. Tweens and Teens know all the smams and tricks parents do to make things cheaper or to avoid giving the kids what they want. And these guys will crack the sads if they find out you are stingy with money at the planning stages of the party. TV advertising has already done it's damage by the time kids get to the tween stage and they are well and trule entrenched in the consumer culture. Parties for mid-ranged kids are another show altogeather when compared to the kids in the 5-7 year old age bracket. Most tweens and teenagers want the best party someone else's money can buy! Normally this entails spending a bucket load of cash. Pool parties, pony riding, clowns, magicians, fairies and face painters won't cut the grade with this ever demanding age bracket for their end of year or birthday party fun. Mobile animal farms, with sheep, ducks, rabbits and guinea pigs are also regarded as young kids stuff and won't be acceptable to tweens and teenagers and the like for their next big party event. Kids at this age bracket really are competitive with one another when it comes to having party fun. Because this age bracket of kids are focussed on things like the opoosite gender, heavy metal music, disco, funk and the rest, you may if you are lucky be able to get away with a party in a large room and plenty of noise, but for most parents they can't usualyl count on this as a formula to keep their own child happy, let alone for party success. Sometimes however this is just not enough to cut the grade and you may need to add something. This added something could be something as simple as a change of place or time of day. Perhaps having a party at a big old farmhouse or on a boat on the bay is all that's needed to make it the best party of the group.
Some richer people have been known to hire a few hot cars for the tweens to have a night on the town, or at least cruise the roads if they are not old enough to be of a legal drinking age to get in to pubs and the like.
Teenager parties are perhaps better run in the evening or early evening, so that there is no conflict with daytime sporting events, clothes shopping and everything else the larger and older kids may get up to in the daylight hours. You should have good secutiry or supervision at the teen event as it's not unheard of for gangs of kids to gatecrash the party to attack some person they don't like. Most of the time a few of the dads hanging around will do the trick! While this is most common for males rather than females, because most teenager parties have both genders at the event bear in mind that the risks in terms of security and potential violence are present at most teen events. Adult supervsion is also necessary to stop drug and alcohol-related problems, however some adults may themselves be a part of that problem. With tweens and teens, heaps of parents prefer to keep things at their most basic and just take a few friends to somewhere special, such as a nice restuarant and for the birthday child's parents to foot the bill. Alternatively this may be a day trip to a wildlife park or even the local river or Zoo.
Tween and teenager parties have many choices in Victoria and if you let your wildest imagination run wild, you'll find plenty to see and do in Melbourne or an hour or two away from the city area.
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